Buehler’s manager kisses pig as part of fundraiser

Nathan Asire, service and facilities manager at Buehler’s in Coshocton, kissed Rueben the pig on Monday, April 22 as part of a fundraising effort by the store.
COSHOCTON – Rueben the pig made a new friend on Monday, April 22. Nathan Asire, service and facilities manager at Buehler’s either won or lost, depending on how you look at it, a fundraising effort by employees at the Coshocton location, and had to kiss a pig by the store’s entrance.
Each manager at the store had their name attached to a glass milk jar and employees put money in the jar with the name of the person they wanted most to see kiss a pig. In total, $300 was raised in the glass jars with Asire acquiring $130 in his jar.
On Monday morning, Asire met Rueben the pig and his friend Remi from Buehler’s employee Rhonda McDonald’s farm. After applying brightly-colored red lipstick, Asire had Rueben warm up to him by feeding him marshmallows. He then entered the pen and planted a big one on the pig’s nose.
“It was fine,” said Asire after he kissed the pig. “He was a friendly pig and it was definitely an experience.”
Rueben was too busy chowing down on marshmallows to comment.
All the money raised went to Harvest for Hunger based in Cleveland, Ohio. According to their website, www.harvestforhunger.org, it is an annual awareness campaign aimed at fighting hunger in 21 of Ohio’s counties. In 2018, the organization raised enough food to provide 22 million meals.
Asire said that the fundraiser will run until Friday, April 26 and they are asking customers to donate. As of Monday at 11 a.m., the store was $1,000 short of their goal of $5,500. Employees hope that customers will step up and cover the cost with donations throughout the rest of the week. They said that if each customer donates $1, they will be able to reach their goal by Friday.
- Nathan Asire, service and facilities manager at Buehler’s in Coshocton, kissed Rueben the pig on Monday, April 22 as part of a fundraising effort by the store.
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