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Canal Lewisville recycling bin to be moved

| January 3, 2020

COSHOCTON – Effective Monday, Jan. 13, the Coshocton County Recycling and Litter Prevention bins located at Rivercrest Drive in Canal Lewisville will be relocated to the Coshocton County Maintenance Building at 23220 SR 621.

“Due to the amount of illegal dumping we have had both outside the bins and outright trash being dumped in the bins, we have had to make this decision,” said Tammi Rogers, Program Manager.

The new site at the County Maintenance Garage allows easy access to the bins, is well lit and, most importantly, includes cameras.

Signs noting the move will be placed Monday, Jan. 6 and the actual moving date will be Jan. 13. The Canal Lewisville recycling drop offsite accepts paper (newspaper, office paper, magazines, paper bags and paperboard such as cereal boxes), steel cans, aluminum cans and plastic bottle #1 through #7. No glass is accepted. Recyclable items should be empty, clean and dry and placed loose into the recycling bins, not bagged.

Recycling questions can be referred to Tammi Rogers, Coshocton County Recycling and Litter Prevention at 740-575-4813 or visit the website coshoctoncounty.net/recycle.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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