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Career Center forestry team finishes eighth in the state

| September 27, 2018

COSHOCTON – The Coshocton County Career Center would like to recognize the FFA Forestry Team for their accomplishments during the District 8 FFA Competition on Sept. 20 at Zane State College in Zanesville.

The teams finished eighth in the state for their forest knowledge and third in the district overall, competing in the following skill competitions: Timber Cruise, Forestry Equipment ID, Leaf ID, Forest Product ID, Topographical Map Reading and Compass Reading.

The career center team members competing in the State Forest Knowledge test amongst over 450 competitors were: Austin Fowler in eighth place, Andrew Conrad in 31st place, Cale Maddux, Hayden Shook and Brody Kalinen who all tied for 39th place.

The Coshocton County Career Center team members that placed third in the District 8 competitions included: Austin Fowler, Cale Maddux, Hayden Shook, Lane Lent and Brody Kalinen. Austin Fowler earned an individual third place finish in the State and Cale Maddux earned ninth place individual honors.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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