Career center holds annual open house

A group of students in the health services program at the Coshocton County Career Center performed a skit at the school’s annual open house on Wednesday, April 24. Jen Jones | Beacon
COSHOCTON – The annual Coshocton County Career Center Open House was held on Wednesday, April 24th. This was a change as the open house is usually held in February. Principal Eddie Dovenbarger shared the reasons for the change.
“We used to hold it in February because that is Career Tech Education Month and we have our sophomore visitation in December. But this year, we moved their visitation to February,” said Dovenbarger. He stated that CCCC had actually considered not having the open house this year, but phone calls from the community and vendors convinced them to hold it.
Dovenbarger also shared their reasons for changing the date. “Number one was the weather – it’s always a concern in February. Had we held it in February this year, we would have had to cancel it on the planned date and the snow date. Another reason is that local basketball teams are usually in tournaments in February. And we thought if we moved it closer to when the students were signing up for classes for the next year, they might think of us.”
The school’s primary reason for holding the open house each year is to bring in parents and sophomores to tour the school. Dovenbarger was proud to announce that the school already has 173 new students for next year. “This year, we had about 100 seniors and 100 juniors. Next year is going to be huge – this is the most new students I’ve ever seen since I’ve been here – 37 years.”
“We even have one class (welding) that is closed because the limit of 25 students has been reached. Health services is at 24 students and cosmetology has 23, so they may have waiting lists, too. We’ve never had to close classes before, since I’ve been here. It’s exciting. We may have growing pain issues, but these are problems we like!”
The evening included a spaghetti supper and about 40 vendors. Something new this year was live demonstrations from each of the tech classes on the stage in the commons area. “We wanted to highlight the programs and the kids love to show off what they have learned. They are so proud.”
Brianna Dorsey is a senior in the criminal justice program. “I was always interested in public safety and when I started here, I wanted to be a bounty hunter. I realized I was too small for that and now I want to be a social worker and hopefully, work with children.”
She said the career center wasn’t for everyone, but she recommended it for kids who struggle with large classes. “Teachers here are so understanding and you get more one on one time. And if the career you are interested in is here, you can get a job right out of high school.”
Junior Bri Ratliffe is in the cosmetology program and loves it. “I want people to feel amazing when I’m done with them. To be on cloud nine and feel like a Goddess – or a God.” She is passionate about this because of a stylist at Wild Styles who inspired her. “She changed my view of myself and I want to do that for others.” She said she is learning so many things, but is most excited about nails and hair color. She is also an artist and hopes for two careers – one as an artist and as a cosmetologist.
“It’s amazing here. We don’t exclude people, we don’t do cliques, and we don’t tolerate bullying. We have so many friends and we stand up for each other. It’s a friendly, safe place and we get prepared for the workforce really well.”
Category: Education