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Sheriff Office Report for May 19, 2021

| May 19, 2021

On May 18th, the Sheriff Office reported 3 Accidents and 3 Complaints.  Accidents: Kenn Patterson of Holmes County was traveling Northbound on State Route 83, when he lost control of his vehicle traveling off the right side of the roadway, alcohol is suspected. Robert Miller of Coshocton reported a hit/skip involving his unoccupied vehicle parked […]

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MVHC announces COVID-19 vaccine allocation

| January 25, 2021

Muskingum Valley Health Centers is announcing their COVID-19 Vaccine allocation for the week of Monday, Jan. 25. MVHC has been allocated 700 doses for its four-county service area. The distribution will be as follows: Muskingum County      200 Guernsey County          100 Coshocton County         300 Morgan County             100 MVHC is committed to administering all doses by end-of-day Friday, […]

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Uriah Martin Hostetler

Uriah Martin Hostetler

| November 28, 2020

Uriah Martin Hostetler, 85, passed away on Nov. 26, 2020 at Lafayette Pointe. He was born on Aug. 13, 1935 in Ayshire, Iowa to the late Noah and Pearl (Stephen) Hostetler. He is a United States Navy Veteran. On Oct. 21, 1960, he married Dorothy (Tielbur) Hostetler, who survives. He worked as a truck driver […]

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Opportunity School taking donations of winter gear and socks

| November 19, 2020

The Coshocton Opportunity School will conduct a coat, hat, and glove drive on Wednesday, Dec. 2 from 4-6 p.m. Clean, gently used or new items can be dropped off on the fourth floor parking level at Coshocton High School. New socks also will be accepted. The coats and other donated items will be hung from […]

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Ohio heads into peak time for deer-related crashes

| October 21, 2020

The Ohio Department of Insurance, Ohio State Highway Patrol, Ohio Department of Natural Resources and AAA want to remind motorists of the increase in deer-related traffic crashes this time of year. In 2019, statistics from the Ohio State Highway Patrol show there were 19,375 deer-related crashes on Ohio’s roadways. Of those crashes, four resulted in […]

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Bakersville Homecoming to include chicken barbecue only

Bakersville Homecoming to include chicken barbecue only

| July 30, 2020

Due to the recent COVID-19 mandates the Bakersville Homecoming Antique Tractor Pull has been canceled. However, the chicken barbecue will still take place on Friday, Aug. 7. “For the first time in 70 years, tractors will not be pulling at Bakersville,” said Larry Stahl, event organizer. “I am so sad about this for so many […]

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Progress is steady on renovations at former Sue’s Hallmark building

Progress is steady on renovations at former Sue’s Hallmark building

| July 24, 2020

The former Sue’s Hallmark on Main Street is getting a huge renovation. Progress has been slow, thanks in part to the COVID-19 virus, but steady and plans are taking shape for five mid-high end apartments and two commercial areas when the building is finished early next summer. Liz Argyle purchased the building without seeing the […]

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Kids’ Corner: Puzzle games encourage many areas of child development

Kids’ Corner: Puzzle games encourage many areas of child development

| July 14, 2020

Puzzles and puzzle games are a great way to spend time with your children and also help them develop important skills they will need in school and throughout their lives. Using puzzle toys encourages a child to develop the ability to concentrate deeply and set goals. Each time their puzzle falls apart, they will learn […]

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