
Ohio EPA announces funding for Coshocton County infrastructure project

Ohio EPA announces funding for Coshocton County infrastructure project

| February 21, 2020

The Ohio EPA had exciting news to share with Coshocton County officials during a press conference held Feb. 21 at city hall. Ohio EPA Director Laurie A. Stevenson and her team came to town to announce that Coshocton will receive $500,000 in H2Ohio Funding for its project to construct a new drinking waterline to connect […]

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Press Release

| January 21, 2020

Coshocton County Sheriff’s Office News Release January 21, 2020  On January 17th, 2020, at 4:31pm the Coshocton County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call in reference to a reported Domestic situation and possible house fire in the 50000 block of Township Road 224 in Crawford Township.  Once on scene it was determined that the home […]

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Coshocton Foundation distributes 11 grants

| January 17, 2020

COSHOCTON – The distribution committee of the Coshocton Foundation had its first meeting for fiscal year 2020 recently and awarded 11 grants totaling $74,515 to several community organizations. The grants awarded include: $31,000 to the Clary Garden Foundation for a stamped concrete pad and landscape design $10,000 to the Johnson Humrickhouse Museum for an updated […]

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Pigman is a fixture with The Salvation Army

Pigman is a fixture with The Salvation Army

| December 5, 2019

COSHOCTON – Willis Pigman has been ringing bells for The Salvation Army at their red kettles on and off for 50 years now. “I like to serve others and I feel this is what God wants me to do,” he said. “I don’t just do the kettles either. I help out at The Salvation Army […]

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Legal Notice

| October 23, 2019

NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Board of Trustees of Pike Township of Coshocton County, Ohio passed on the 5th day of August, 2019, there will be submitted to a vote of […]

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Benefit held for future homeless shelter in Coshocton

Benefit held for future homeless shelter in Coshocton

| September 16, 2019

COSHOCTON – Their vision is: To provide a safe, clean and temporary place for homeless people to be while transitioning from housing instability to housing stability. To reach that goal, the Coshocton County Homelessness Coalition and Standing Oaks of East Central Ohio held a day of fun to raise money for their goal – to […]

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Roy Allen Aronhalt

Roy Allen Aronhalt

| September 10, 2019

Roy Allen Aronhalt, 79, Coshocton, Ohio died Saturday September 7, 2019 after a short illness.  He was born October 29, 1939 in Coshocton, Ohio to the late Frederick and Beatrice (Miller) Aronhalt.  He was a 1957 graduate of Roscoe High School and enjoyed getting together for a monthly breakfast with his friends from school.  He […]

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West Lafayette Police Department Report for July 29, 2019

| July 29, 2019

On July 28, the police department investigated the following calls.   Officer responded to the 100 block of West 7th Street with Coshocton County EMS.

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