CBHC Summer Camps are fun for all

Mya Dobson, Harper Burrell, Gunner Trull and Aubree Trull show off the rocks they painted while attending one of Coshocton Behavioral Health Choices summer day camps. After they painted rocks, they had lunch and got to go swimming at Lake Park Aquatic Center. (Jen Jones)
Coshocton Behavioral Health Choices has held several day camps. Every week, a different adventure was planned for the children, ages 5 – 13. They went swimming at Warsaw Community Pool one day. They went bowling and did art activities. Another day was a trip to the Johnson Humrickhouse Museum, Lake Park and Clary Gardens. For their last trip, they did art activities at Lake Park and then went swimming at the aquatic center. Lunch was provided each day.
Natalie Burrell, prevention specialist with CBHC, said during each camp, they worked with the children in learning coping strategies and transition skills. “We wanted to have the camps to provide support to the parents and kids and give the kids the opportunity to go to the pools and the museum. Lots of them had never been to the museum.”
Each group had between five and eight children. Burrell said the groups were a good size and that each child was able to have more one on one time with the prevention specialists. “We also did a sibling day for kids in foster care so they could see their brothers and sisters and have fun.”
Another prevention specialist with CBHC, Lori Burris, said, “Camps give them extra social time and allows them to develop relationships they may have missed out on because of COVID. I remember going to camp and the relationships I made – that’s what these camps do for the kids. It gives them a chance to learn skills they can take with them as they grow up.” Burris said the trip to the museum was a surprise to her. “I am still surprised at how many of them say the museum was their favorite trip.”
Mya Dobson, 11, said she was enjoying the camps because she could be outdoors. “It gives me something to do, and I can hang out with people instead of being stuck at home. I haven’t been able to socialize like I want to because of COVID. I really like the museum because I like history a lot.”
Nine year old Harper Burrell said she likes the camps because she likes meeting new people. “The museum was fun because we had a scavenger hunt, and I liked the arrowheads.” Gunner Trull, 8, and his five year old sister, Aubree both liked the museum because of the scavenger hunt, too. Gunner said, “They gave a piece of paper, and we have to search and find stuff, then we got extendy thingies for a prize and that was fun.”
Lexi Fry will be at Conesville Elementary this year as a prevention specialist. “I’ll be teaching ‘2 Good 4 Drugs’ to the kids. Our curriculum teaches social, emotion lessons and that’s what schools are looking for.” Fry said she would be available to talk one on one with students or help with crisis intervention. “If a student needs to step away from the classroom and needs to talk, that’s what I’m there for.”
Category: People & Places