Chamber presents Pizza Hut with award

Pizza Hut received a community improvement award at the chamber’s Jan. 22 quarterly meeting. Pictured are District Manager Jodi Harshaw, Store Manager Marcella Blair and Local Sales Manager Laura Beltz. Beacon photo by Josie Sellers
COSHOCTON – Pizza Hut recently invested in Coshocton by building a brand new restaurant at the site of its former one, which had been part of the community since the late 1970s.
“We appreciate you thinking our community was worth the new building,” said Bill Owens.
He is a member of the Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce’s Executive Committee and presented Pizza Hut with a community improvement award at the chamber’s Jan. 22 quarterly meeting at the Johnson Humrickhouse Museum.
“The new Pizza Hut Wing Street can seat 44 people and employ 24,” Owens said. “There was some discussion about whether or not it would come here and we are glad it did.”
Marcella Blair, store manager of the South Second Street restaurant, was honored to receive the award for the company.
“We will continue to strive to give you the best,” she said. “Thank you for this. You made my day.”
Pizza Hut Wing Street is one of the chamber’s many new members. During the luncheon, Amy Stockdale, executive director of the chamber, said her organization added 39 new members this past year, held 11 ribbon cuttings and is continuing to grow its social media presence.
“If you have anything you want us to promote (online) send it to us because that is what we are here for,” she said.
Category: Business, People & Places