Christmas Magic in Lights coming to fairgrounds

| November 5, 2020

A very special event is coming to the Coshocton County Fairgrounds on Saturday, Dec. 5. The newly-formed group, Friends of the Junior Fair, will be presenting Christmas Magic in Lights. This year’s theme is Storybook Christmas.

The drive-thru light display will start at the main gate of the fairgrounds and will be from 6-9 p.m. All money donations will be given to the Coshocton County Firefighters Toy Drive. “With the economy the way it is, we wanted to do as much as we could for the toy drive,” said D. Woodward-Wells. “I love Christmas and we wanted to do something to bring joy and hope to Coshocton.”

“We have only had one meeting, but word of mouth has spread our idea.  We’ve already had amazing support from businesses and we are looking for more businesses, organization, groups, anyone who would like to take part and decorate the fairgrounds.” Woodward-Wells said electricity would be provided, but each group needed to bring everything they need to decorate their area.

“There is a registration form on the Christmas Magic in Lights Facebook page and there will be forms in the dispensers near the fair board office.  We need to know who is coming and how much space they will need.  They need to bring cords, lights, decorations and signs to show which group they are.”

Woodward-Wells said the group will be outlining buildings at the fairgrounds in lights on Sunday, Nov. 29 and they are in need of volunteers and lights. They will be practicing social distancing as they decorate.

“All of the decorations for the drive-thru have to be put up and taken down on Dec. 5. We will start decorating at 9 a.m. and hope to be done by 5 p.m. We are hoping this will be a large display. We wanted something right here in Coshocton for people to enjoy. Hopefully, this will become a tradition and we can change the theme each year.”

Everyone will be expected to stay in their vehicles as they enjoy the displays. “We are planning on having two sides – one with brighter, flashing lights and a side that is quieter for people with special needs who may not be able to handle flashing lights. And – Santa will be there.  You won’t be able to take pictures with him, but at least the kids will see that Santa has arrived in Coshocton. I’m just so excited for this and hope we have a huge turnout.”

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