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Christmas Magic in Lights planned at fairgrounds

| November 3, 2022

The third annual Christmas Magic in Lights will be held at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds on Saturday, Dec. 3. The drive-thru event will begin at 6 p.m. and everyone needs to enter the fairgrounds through the main gate at Seventh Street and Kenilworth Avenue. The light show will be finished at 10 p.m. and all displays must be removed at that time.

According to D Woodward Wells, an organizer for the event, set up will begin at 9 that morning and all of the displays need to be set up by 5 p.m. Organizations, businesses and residents are welcome to create lighted displays. The group will be accepting registrations for setting up displays until Friday, Nov. 25.

Cost is by donation. All of the money goes to local charities. “Last year, we donated to the Fatherhood Initiative, Firemen’s Toy Chest and Gentle Brook Hospice. This year, we are accepting letters for request for the donations until Friday, Nov. 18,” said Woodward Wells.

To learn more about the event, send a letter of request for donation money or to register a display, visit the Christmas Magic in Lights Facebook page.

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