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Citizens invited to Community Conversations

| March 2, 2015

COSHOCTON – The United Way of Coshocton will be having the last of six Community Conversations on Thursday, March 12 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the Frontier Power Community Room that is open to the public.

The purpose of the conversations is to listen to concerned citizens who care about the health of Coshocton County and identify through a SWOT analysis the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in order to put a plan into place to address one or two hurdles facing Coshocton.

The OSU Extension office is facilitating the conversations, with Emily Adams, director, conducting them. When all six have been completed, the information gathered at the meetings will be given to Community Development specialists at OSU who will compile and make recommendations.

The conversations have been conducted with different segments of the community invited with this last one open to the public.

“We can only be effective in serving our community if we listen to our neighbors in order to know what weighs heavy on their hearts,” said Lyn Mizer, Director. “We want to identify issues that stand in the way of having quality of life and we are attempting to choose strategies and approaches that create lasting change. We can then create a plan in order to implement those strategies. But we can’t do this alone and we are hoping that those who care enough to have ownership over our county will join in that plan. We are hoping to communicate that plan sometime this spring.

Any questions regarding the Community Conversations can be made by calling the United Way office at 622-4567. RSVP also are appreciated.


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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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