City receives positive audit
COSHOCTON – Mayor Steve Mercer was happy to share at the Sept. 28 Coshocton City Council meeting that the city received a good report from Ohio Auditor of State Dave Yost.
“We had an excellent audit,” Mercer said. “There are always a couple little things that they point out, but there were no major issues of any sort.”
The audit can be found online at
When it was his turn to address council, Safety Service Director Jerry Stenner gave an update on the paving of Main Street.
“They will get back to it the next nice day we have,” he said. “They promised it will only take two full days to finish the top coat.”
Stenner also shared that ODNR had a drilling rig in the Buena Vista Drive area to try and help the city address a sinkhole issue there.
“They found timber and it appears they hit a mine shaft,” he said.
The city knew mining was done in that area, but wasn’t exactly sure where. Stenner said once they get a full report from ODNR they will decide how to handle the issue.
“It will require remedial action, but it’s not as big of a problem that cars are going to get swallowed up (in the sinkhole) or anything like that,” he said.
City council’s next meeting was scheduled for Monday, Oct. 12, but since that is Columbus Day they rescheduled it for 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13.
Category: Government