City recreation department creates new fishing opportunity

Jace Coffman, 6, and his sister Allie Coffman, 3, had the pleasure of helping the Coshocton City Recreation Department dump 1,000 fish into a pond by Kids America, where the public can now fish. Their Grandpa Coffman works for the city recreation department and invited them to come help with the project on July 18. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – The Coshocton City Recreation Department created a new opportunity for outdoor fun.
City employees released 1,000 fish into the pond at Kids America on July 18 and encourage the public to come down and fish. The pond is open to the public from dawn to dusk and any fish caught must be released. Fishing licenses are not required.
“We thought this would give kids in town an experience they might not normally get,” said Steve Jones, recreation director. “This way they don’t have to go out to Lake Park or to a river. It’s also pretty safe around the edges because it’s not too deep.”
Fishermen will have the opportunity to try and catch bass, crappie, bluegill, hybrid bluegill, perch and amur, which will help eat algae and grass in the pond.
“We always wondered about this pond so we had it checked with a kit from Ace Hardware to make sure the pH level and everything was ok and used park levy money to buy the fish,” Jones said.
The fish cost $800 and were purchased locally from Fenders Fish Hatchery.
Jones and Mayor Steve Mercer also noted that the city dredged the pond and made more of a bank area for people to stand on when they are fishing.
Mercer said the pond is part of the city’s recreation park where Kids America happens to have property. People will be able to park in Kids Americas parking lot and employees there will help them with any questions they might have.
“This is another way we can give people a recreational opportunity here in Coshocton,” Mercer said.
Category: People & Places