Clary Gardens celebrates 20th anniversary with open house

Clary Gardens celebrated its 20th Anniversary on Aug. 12 with an open house in the new pavilion. Board Chairman Bill Given, and Executive Director Jandi Adams, were excited to show the community everything Clary Gardens has to offer. (Jen Jones)
Clary Gardens celebrated its 20th anniversary with an open house event in their new pavilion on Aug. 12.
Executive Director Jandi Adams said they were really excited to show everyone the pavilion and what they have accomplished over the last 20 years. “I think we’ve done a lot, especially in the last five to 10 years.” Adams said the Story Walk is bringing families often and many are rushing to read the book on display now, as the book will change to week of Aug. 16 to one about scarecrows to go along with the Clary Gardens’ Scarecrow Walk.
“We have the pavilion, now, and the Butterfly Exhibit, plus the amphitheater and the live shows have been going really well. We’ve had lots of people from out of town to see the production,” said Adams.
Adams said one of the biggest changes she has noticed in the last few years is the number of people who visit Clary Gardens keeps growing. “People are hearing about us through weddings, our summer children’s programs – so many ways. Last week, leaders from all over the state were here for the Eastern Ohio Development Alliance.” She also said that Clary Gardens has been chosen as the number one outdoor wedding facility in the state.
Bill Given, board chairman, said he has been involved with Clary Gardens for about 14 years. “Jandi has brought so much. We have photographers that come to use different areas for pictures. We are blessed with so many charitable organizations locally that support us. And we couldn’t do any of this without Beth Clary – she is so generous.” Given said he is proud of what they have done and said they are doing their best to maintain the grounds for the next generation.
Given said he envisions landscaping with possible water features near the new pavilion and said they are considering sides and a heat and cooling element so the pavilion could be used for more of the year.
Dorothy Skowrunski, board member, said, “We recognized the need for the pavilion for our events. The weather can be so unpredictable. We have a landscaping company helping put together a master plan for the 18 sections we have in the gardens.”
“As a small, rural community, we are very fortunate to have our own botanical gardens. We have been able to accomplish a lot,” said Skowrunski.
Category: People & Places