Clary Gardens holds third trick or treat event

Four generations of Aspen Carleton’s family attended the third annual trick or treat Event held at Clary Gardens on Tuesday, Oct. 30. Pictured are Kali Carleton, Aspen Carleton, Kim Hedrick, and Janet Snyder. Jen Jones | Beacon
COSHOCTON – The warm temperatures and the search for the perfect candy brought hundreds of children and their families to Clary Gardens for the third annual trick or treat event.
Lily Tubbs, dressed as Dorothy, was at the event with her parents, Cassie and Jeremy Tubbs. “We did the pumpkin walk before this started. We are big Clary Gardens’ fans,” said Cassie. Lily was hoping for suckers and chocolate.
Adley Brown wanted Kit Kats and Reece Cups. She was there with her mom, Aimee, who said this was the first time they had come to the trick or treat event, but they had visited the gardens for other things.
Aspen Carleton was dressed as a pretty kitty and meowed to say “Trick or Treat.” She wanted peanut M & M’s and was there with four generations of her family – mom, Kali Carleton, Grandma Kim Hedrick and “Nana” Janet Snyder. “Aspen brought a flyer home from her preschool about this and we wanted to come,” said Kali.
Gary Chapman brought his twin sons, Myric who was a Power Ranger and wanted some candy corn and Kyran who was hoping for candy canes and was dressed as a ninja. Gary said the nice weather brought them to the event. “We usually trick or treat in Warsaw, but the weather is supposed to be bad tomorrow, so we came here.”
Costumed volunteers were stationed around the gardens to pass out candy. Crafts, games and snacks were also available.
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