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Clary Gardens starting virtual garden chats

| March 3, 2021

Clary Gardens is starting online virtual meet-ups called garden chats. There is no requirement to join or support anything – you do not have to be involved with Clary Gardens at all to join.

The goals and main purposes of the chats are:

  1. Obviously, social! We are feeling a little cooped up and want to talk plants, pollinators, and garden planning.
  2. We want to share educational opportunities with those who sign on. There have been so many conferences and webinars happening fully remote because of the pandemic, and most of them are free.
  3. We’d like to share are plans and endeavors for Clary Gardens. We’ve got a lot brewing for this coming year, which is the garden’s 20th anniversary.
  4. And also, we’d like to promote local growers, businesses, and opportunities to help connect people with places (and plants).

Interested? You need not do anything but login the day/time of the event. Clary Gardens will post a link on its website under the event located on the event calendar. Just visit the website and scroll down to upcoming events, where you’ll see “garden chat” for Monday, March 15, at noon. If you click on the event, you should see the link to click to join.

Guests are welcome to join up to 15 minutes before noon to complete a microphone/sound check with your own system(s).

The meeting will start at noon with a (1) welcome, (2) introductions of those in attendance (only if you’d like to share), (3) typically a short main topic/educational session, (4) internal (Clary Gardens) and external upcoming learning opportunities, and lastly (5) a brief sharing session for those with gardening questions or something relevant to share with the group.

The Garden Chat will run from noon to 1 p.m.

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Category: Arts & Entertainment

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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