Clary Gardens to have Wildflower Walk this Saturday

| April 26, 2013

Come out for another Spring Wildflower Walk on April 27 at Clary Gardens with Tammi Rogers from your local OSU Extension office. The walk will start at 10 a.m. and participants will take a guided tour of the spring wildflowers on the Clary Gardens Woodland Trail. Meet at the upper parking lot. Good walking shoes are a must and please dress for the weather. Feel free to bring your favorite wildflower ID book. The walk will be held rain or shine- barring thunder! Cancelation will be announced on WTNS 99.3 FM. This is a free public program, but donations to Clary Gardens are accepted. For more information, call OSU Extension at 622.2265. Clary Gardens is located 1/4 mile west of Coshocton on SR 541, across from Cantwell Creek Garden Center.

Come out for another Spring Wildflower Walk on April 27 at Clary Gardens with Tammi Rogers from your local OSU Extension office. The walk will start at 10 a.m. and participants will take a guided tour of the spring wildflowers on the Clary Gardens Woodland Trail. Meet at the upper parking lot. Good walking shoes are a must and please dress for the weather. Feel free to bring your favorite wildflower ID book. The walk will be held rain or shine- barring thunder! Cancelation will be announced on WTNS 99.3 FM. This is a free public program, but donations to Clary Gardens are accepted. For more information, call OSU Extension at 622.2265. Clary Gardens is located 1/4 mile west of Coshocton on SR 541, across from Cantwell Creek Garden Center.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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