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Clary Gardens to host A Day of Enchantment

| June 4, 2013

Fairy Dance 013COSHOCTON – Children and their families are invited to the free event, “A Day of Enchantment” at Clary Gardens, June 23, from 1 – 4 p.m. to create a Woodland Fairy and Troll Village on our woodland trail. Enjoy this fun and creative activity that brings families together. In addition to the fairy and troll house building, this year’s event will also include a scavenger hunt with prizes, troll bowling, fairy dance lessons at 2:30 p.m. and 3 p.m., mini make-it, take-it fairy garden, fairy story time on the half hour, and free fairy rings to the first 100 children. Lots of fairy garden goodies will also be available for purchase from Ginger’s Gate.

There are plenty of natural materials in the Woodlands that can be used to build fairy and troll houses such as fallen bark, hickory nuts, dried leaves, and twigs. Families are encouraged to bring their own materials from home such as pine cones, feathers, colorful pebbles, dried grasses, seashells, and fruits/nuts that have already fallen to the ground. No glue or man-made materials allowed in the woods.

This is once again a free community event, but donations to Clary Gardens are deeply appreciated and will be used to cover expenses and continue the ongoing development of the children’s garden.

Clary Gardens is located at 588 West Chestnut Street (S.R. 541), Coshocton, just west of Roscoe Village.  For directions or information contact Chris Campbell at 622-6524 or visit www.clarygardens.org.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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