Classic cars tour through Coshocton

Pictured in front is the 1948 Studebaker Commander Convertible that Ted Slanker drove in the Great Lakes Region of the Vintage Motor Car Club of American tour that came through Coshocton. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Classic cars of all makes and models cruised through Coshocton on July 24.
The vehicles and their owners were taking part in a four day tour organized by the Black Swamp Chapter of the Great Lakes Region of the Vintage Motor Car Club of America. This was their 68th annual tour and all vehicles that were included in it had to be at least 25 years old.
“You just hope your vehicle runs and doesn’t break down on you when you are on one of these,” said Jim Haas who was on the tour with his wife Helen. “We’ve had our share of that on this tour. One guy started out with an older Cadillac that was a beautiful car, but he blew an oil gasket. He had to go back home and exchange it for a different vehicle.”
Jim said the group was staying in Berlin and seeing the sites throughout the area. While in Coshocton several of them took a ride on the canal boat. Then they enjoyed a catered lunch in the Roscoe Village Visitor’s Center Lock Landing before touring the village.
Jim and Helen, who are from Perrysburg, have a 1924, 1948, and 1951 Studebakers, but on this tour they were driving their 1990 Cadillac.
“My wife wanted something that was a little easier to drive so she could help out and drive sometimes on trips,” Jim said. “We were at a car show and it was for sale. It’s a gray blue and she loved the color.”
Helen said you are riding in luxury when you are in the Cadillac and she likes the power steering and air conditioning, but also enjoys the Studebakers.
“They were before their time in design,” she said.
Helen and Jim have been part of the car club for at least 25 years.
“You meet people from all over the country,” Helen said.
Several people in the group were from Ohio, but they also had people from other states such as Virginia, Maryland and Massachusetts.
“When we get together we talk about our vehicles, tell lies, sit around and gossip and talk about what has been happening lately with our cars,” Jim said.
Ted Slanker borrowed the Haas’ 1948 Studebaker Commander Convertible for the tour.
“I just like being with the group,” he said. “You can go five miles an hour or 50. No one is in any real hurry.”
Slanker, who is from London, Ohio, is Helen’s first cousin. She and Jim got him interested in the club.
“I don’t really have a favorite type of car,” he said. “I just like all of them and the fact that they are old and still running. This one is the same age as me.”
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