Cloverbud Camp was all about bugs

Bo Olinger, Makayla Farley, Emma Bechtol and Mea Wells hold their “bugs” from a game they played at the 4-H Cloverbud Camp held Saturday, June 2 at Lake Park. When asked what the best part of the day was, Olinger, Bechtol and Wells all said “Going swimming!” while Farley said “Finding bugs!” Jen Jones | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Bugs were the theme of the day for the 4-H Cloverbud Camp held Saturday, June 2 at Lake Park. Despite the cloudy day, almost 40 children joined the fun.
Coshocton County Cloverbud Representative Danielle Woodward Wells said the day was planned around learning about bugs and butterflies. “We have five stations set up. They can get a bug painted on their face and color a picture of a bug (some of which will be used in the fair booth), make a spider craft from their handprints, go on a bug hunt, ant-antics, and bug games. They get to stomp a “bug,” have a spider race (blowing bugs with a straw) and walk like a bug.”
Lunch was even bug-themed – butterfly sandwiches (turkey and cheese), fly paper (fruit roll-ups), stick bugs (pretzels) and bug juice. An afternoon snack was bugs on a log (celery with peanut butter and raisins). After lunch, the children went swimming. “I can’t believe it’s been so hot all week and chilly today,” said Woodward Wells.
Cloverbud camp is a great way for children to see what being a cloverbud is about. “The child doesn’t have to be in cloverbuds to come to the camp. Many cloverbuds have older siblings who are in 4-H and they want to join because of that, but we have a lot of parents that know what a great program 4-H is and they want kids involved early. They learn social and leadership skills,” said Woodward Wells.
Woodward Wells said she’s found that the younger a child starts 4-H, the longer they stay in. “This is my second year as cloverbud rep and one of my goals is to get more activities set up for them to do. Today is a perfect example – it’s early in the day and they are thriving – playing in the dirt, exploring and having a great time.”
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