Columbia Gas begins natural gas line replacement project

Work area: Pictured is a map of the West Lafayette area where Columbia Gas will be working on its natural gas line replacement project. Photo contributed to The Beacon
COLUMBUS – The Village of West Lafayette will soon benefit from one of Columbia Gas of Ohio’s Natural Gas Line Replacement Projects.
More than 10,000 feet of natural gas line will be replaced as Columbia installs specially-designed plastic pipe that will serve customers for many years to come. Columbia anticipates completing the project by early fall, weather permitting. This work will be done at no additional cost to customers.
Customers within the project areas have been notified via letter and invited to a customer information meeting to discuss the project at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18, at the Village of West LaFayette Municipal Building, 115 East Railroad St. At this time, customers will have the opportunity to ask specific questions of employees.
Soon, customers will notice preliminary construction work in the neighborhood affected, such as marking the right of way and existing utilities, and the inspection of sewer lines. Next, Columbia Gas employees and contractor RLA Utilities will install a new main line followed by new service lines to homes and businesses. Natural gas meters located on the inside of the home or business and some located on the outside will be relocated, depending on the circumstance. Columbia Gas will restore all property affected by our construction to the same or better condition.
This work will require a short interruption of natural gas service. Columbia Gas employees and/or contractors will make contact with customers prior to shutting off service and to schedule re-light appointments. All employees and contractors carry identification cards with their name and photograph, and are happy to show it.
These projects are part of Columbia’s 25-year, $2 billion plan to improve the safety and reliability of our more than 20,000-mile underground natural gas line system.
For more information on the project, visit
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