Come enjoy coffee with a doc

| July 1, 2024

Coshocton Public Health District will present Coffee with A Doc, on Monday, July 22, featuring Certified Nurse Practitioners Christy Zigo and Jason Bryant from Genesis Healthcare System.

A different health topic will be presented each month, providing a learning environment with open discussion and welcomed questions.

 The event topic for July is cardiovascular health and will take place on Monday, July 22 from 5-6 p.m. at Rust Décor, located at 341 Main St. in Coshocton. Parking is available in front of the business and along the rest of Main Street. This event is free and open to the public. Rust Décor is providing a free coffee drip with the opportunity to purchase other beverages and snacks.

Christy Zigo, CNP, has worked at Genesis for the past 27 years. She was a staff nurse for about 20 years. She started her career as an RN in the emergency room and then worked in the cardiac cath lab. Christy completed her master’s in nursing from University of Cincinnati in December 2016. She has worked as a nurse practitioner in the Genesis cardiology office for the past seven years.

Jason Bryant, CNP, graduated from the University of Cincinnati in 2016 with a master’s in nursing, specializing as a family nurse practitioner. Since that time, he has worked as a nurse practitioner in pre-admission testing for two years, hospice and palliative care for four and a half years and most recently he has joined the Genesis Cardiology Group in May 2023. He has been working in the nursing profession for 31 years covering various areas to include ER, ICU/CCU, OR, nursing management and patient experience.

It is the mission, at Coshocton Public Health, to ensure equitable access to care, prevent diseases, promote healthy behaviors and protect the well-being and health environment for all community members. By offering this event each month, we are gaining insight to what is truly needed by the adult population in Coshocton County.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for future events, reach out to Olivia Elson at 740-295-7306 or by email at

Category: People & Places

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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