Commissioners review light agenda at March 16th meeting

| March 16, 2016

COSHOCTON – The Coshocton County Commissioners had a light agenda for their March 16 meeting. Highlights of it included the following:

  • Request a motion to hire Doug Royston as a Social Service Worker 2 at the Department of Job and Family Services effective March 30, as requested by Melinda Fehrman, DJFS director.
  • Request a motion to appoint Kathy Thompson to the Regional Airport Authority effective immediately. Her term will end Jan. 31, 2019.
  • Receive the dog warden’s report for the week ending March 14, with six dogs picked up by the warden, one dog bought in as stray, five dogs destroyed, 35 citations issued, 45 calls handled, 30 dog licenses sold, 12 late fees paid, 11 dogs sold, three dogs redeemed, five dogs (four puppies) per owner surrender, $45 in boarding fees collected for a total of $784 in fees collected.
  • Request a motion to approve the payment request for Straitline Structures, Inc. for the Warsaw EMS Building in the amount of $27,625. This will be the ninth payment to them for a total amount paid to date of $479,825. The total cost for the project is close to $600,000.

After reviewing the agenda the commissioners took a field trip to the court house to view where a new air conditioning unit needs to be placed and see how they can make it blend in with the building.

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