Commissioners sign proclamation for Local Foods Week

LOCAL FOODS WEEK: The Coshocton County Commissioners signed a proclamation on Monday, Aug. 10 declaring Aug. 9 – 15 Ohio Local Foods Week where people throughout Ohio are asked to spend at least $10 on local foods. Pictured l-r: Emily Adams of OSU Extension, Mary Meyer of Strawberry Hill Farm CSA, Commissioner Dane Shryock, Commissioner Gary Fischer, and Commissioner Curtis Lee. BEACON PHOTO BY JOSIE SELLERS
COSHOCTON – Ohio Local Foods Week is Aug. 9 – 15 where people throughout Ohio are asked to spend at least $10 on local foods. On Monday, Aug. 10, the Coshocton County Commissioners signed a proclamation for Local Foods Week in Coshocton County.
“In our community, we focus on Coshocton County and our farmers who raise livestock and produce in our county,” said Emily Adams of the OSU Extension office.
Go to to take an online survey about where you purchase local foods and if you intend to spend at least $10 on local foods during Local Foods Week. You can also share your local food shopping experience with the local OSU Extension.
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