Community Development Competitive Set-Aside award announcement

| August 13, 2013

COSHOCTON – The Coshocton County Board of Commissioners have received word from the Ohio Development Services Agency, that their request for grant funding for the Neighborhood Revitalization Program  and Critical Infrastructure Program has been awarded.

The Neighborhood Revitalization Program funds will be used to assist the Village of West Lafayette to make village-wide improvements. The grant is in the amount of $300,000 and the funds will be used for the following projects: $48,500 to repave 600 LF of Stewart Street, $31,000 to install a new tornado siren at the fire department, $34,000 to widen Orchard Street to improve access for fire vehicles, $38,500 to install water and sanitary sewer service to Water Park, $118,000 to replace 18 fire hydrants throughout the Village of West Lafayette and $30,000 for program administration.

The Critical Infrastructure Program is in the amount of $300,000 and the funds will be used for a Fire Protection Facilities and Equipment project located in Lafayette Township. The project calls for installing 4,200 LF of 10 inch waterline and nine fire hydrants to serve 40 residential households and the Gentlebrook Care facility.

All work for the grant will be carried out between Sept. 1 and Aug. 31, 2015.

The Commissioners would like to thank John Cleek and the staff of CDC of Ohio and the Dave Kadri and the Village of West Lafayette for their assistance in acquiring these funds.

Category: Government

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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