Conesville students explore science

Alexis Rhodes and Wesley McDaniels write a secret message using invisible ink during COSI on Wheels, “Simply Chemistry” which was at Conesville Elementary today, Tuesday, Jan. 8. The students were able to travel to all the different stations set up in the gymnasium and learn about chemistry using safe, hands-on experiments.
CONESVILLE – Students at Conesville Elementary explored the exciting world of chemistry today, Tuesday, Jan. 8 when COSI on Wheels showed them that science can be interesting and fun.
This is COSI’s return to Conesville after seven years. The topic, “Simply Chemistry” featured about nine different stations where kids could interact with different chemistry experiments. Students were able to write secret messages with invisible ink, make liquids glow in the dark, create their own burp in a bottle, and make their own slime, which is what they were most excited about.
“Today, we want them to learn that everyone can do science and science is fun,” said Principal Joel Moore.
All grades pre-kindergarten through 6th grade were able to participate in the event on a rotation schedule. Eighteen parents volunteered their time and a lunch was provided to those volunteers by the PTO, which also sponsored today’s event.
“The thing I hope they take away from today is that science is something anyone can do,” said Katie Krenelka, COSI outreach educator, “You don’t have to be a genius to do science. It’s all about being good observers of the world around you. My goal is to get kids interested in science for life.”
Category: Education