Congrats to the Lady Generals

Congratulations: The Ridgewood Lady Generals varsity basketball team had a storybook season – one that players, family and fans will be talking about for years. The team is pictured here at the West Lafayette Lions Club breakfast on Saturday morning, March 5, prior to their bus trip to Logan to take on Ironton. That’s Lions Club President Tom Apple pictured with coaches, players and managers. Beacon photo by Mark Fortune
WEST LAFAYETTE – The Ridgewood Lady Generals varsity basketball team had a storybook season and here is what Head Coach Doug Patterson had to say about it. “It’s been crazy. The assistant coaches, Darrell (Ball) and Kirby (Shivers), have been with me the whole time – 13 years we’ve been doing this. We’ve put a lot time into it, the girls have put tons of time into it. And just to get this far, it’s all paid off, all the time has paid off for what we’ve all done as a group. I don’t think any of the girls thought that we would be at this situation at this time of the year. We thought we were good, and I’ve been telling them that they’re good all year long and they’re experiencing something that they’re going to remember for the rest of their lives, and myself too.”
“The support from the community has just been crazy. We won the district championship and they took us through town with fire engines and police. When we went down Main Street people had high fives out. It’s just been great; everyone’s come out to support us. I know that we’ve sold over 300 tickets for this game (Ironton) and I look for there to be 500 to 600 people there for us. What a nice gesture for the Lions Club to do this for us. The girls just loved it. It was a great time.”
The Lady Generals gave it all they had against the undefeated Ironton Tigers losing a heartbreaker 46-43 in the regional final at Logan on Saturday, March 5. In the process though, they gave Ridgewood fans and themselves something to be proud of and an experience that will reach far beyond the hardwood with a tremendous and thrilling season. A season that is sure to be remembered and replayed thousands of times. Congratulations Lady Generals!
Category: High School, Sports