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Conkle moving on to National Elks Hoop Shoot

| March 23, 2017
Colton Conkle is the Elks Great Lakes Regional Hoop Shoot Champion and a national finalist. His journey in the competition started in December when he won the local contest hosted by the Coshocton Elks Lodge #376.  Josie Sellers | Beacon

Colton Conkle is the Elks Great Lakes Regional Hoop Shoot Champion and a national finalist. His journey in the competition started in December when he won the local contest hosted by the Coshocton Elks Lodge #376. Josie Sellers | Beacon

COSHOCTON – Colton Conkle’s competitive drive is taking him all the way to Chicago, Ill. for the National Elks Hoop Shoot.

The 9-year-old Coshocton Elementary School fourth grader won the local competition in December 2016. From there he moved on to districts in Dover, state in Columbus and then regionals in Indiana.

“I made it to state last year so it felt good to get to regionals,” said Colton, who is the son of Tiffany and Jeremy Conkle.

He prepared for the foul shooting event by going to the gym with his Dad and probably took around 200 shots every time they practiced.

“The kid before me (at regionals) made 20 out 25 so I knew I could only miss three shots to tie him,” Colton said. “I missed three (shots) and had five left that I knew had to make all of and I did. We went to overtime and we both made five out of five. In the second over time we made five out of five again and then in the third one he made two out of five and I got three out of five.”

Tiffany explained that in the first round the competitors shoot 10 shots and then they shoot 15 in a second round for a total of 25 shots. In the case of a tie they shoot five shots per round.

“He (Colton) seems to do his best work in overtime when the pressure is on,” she said.

Colton said he was nervous at regionals, but all the hard work paid off as he can now call himself the Great Lakes Regional Hoop Shoot Champion and a national finalist for the boys group ages 8-9.  He will next compete on Saturday, April 22 in Chicago, Ill.

“We are going to keep trying to take as many shots as we can every day until then,” Jeremy said.

Tiffany said Colton is a ball boy for Coshocton’s boys team, which his dad helps coach.

“He goes to practices and is part of their whole season,” she said.

Colton added that he likes everything about basketball and started taking part in the Elks Hoop Shoot because he likes to compete.

“I never knew I could make it this far in the hoop shoots,” he said. “I have to thank my dad who takes me to the gym and practices with me.”

Colton and his mom and dad also are thankful for strong support from family and friends.

“We had 16 people travel with us to Indiana and when we came back home family and friends had decorated the outside of our house to welcome us home,” Tiffany said. “We also got numerous text messages and phone calls.”

The Elks also got a big thank you from the Conkles.

“The Elks have taken care of us very well through this whole experience,” Tiffany said.

She and Jeremy couldn’t be prouder of Colton.

“To have a child who is only 9-years-old and has the desire to want to go to the gym and get better every day is amazing,” Jeremy said. “I don’t ask him, he asks me when we are going. I don’t have to push him because the drive is already there.”

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Category: Sports, Youth

About the Author ()

I started my journalism career in 2002 with a daily newspaper chain. After various stops with them, I am happy to be back home! I graduated from Coshocton High School in 1998 and received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication in 2002 from Walsh University. I also earned several awards while working for daily papers, including being honored by Coshocton County’s veterans for the stories I wrote about them. I am honored and ready to once again shine a positive light on Coshocton County. I also am the proud mother of a little girl named Sophia!

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