Corps employee awarded for quick action

Pictured from left are Colonel Philip M. Secrist III, Eric Smith, and Brigadier General R. Mark Toy during the Star of Life Award presentation. Contributed | Beacon
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. – During the recent Relinquishment of Command Ceremony Brigadier General Toy, Commanding General , Great Lakes and Ohio River Division and Colonel Secrist, Commander, Huntington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, presented the Star of Life Award for the quick actions of Eric Smith who saved the life of a visitor to Mohawk Dam.
The citation reads: “Mr. Eric Smith, a maintenance mechanic at Mohawk Dam is awarded the star of life for his quick actions that prevented a man from falling off the steep, rocky embankment of the downstream face of Mohawk Dam. On 16 Oct. 2017, the unidentified man was struggling to maintain his grip on the rocks about 15 feet from the top of the 100-foot tall dam and stated that he couldn’t hold on much longer. Mr. Smith quickly climbed over a six-foot high chain link fence to position himself at the top of the rocks on the side of the dam and threw a rope to the man. Mr. Smith, along with the unidentified fisherman, pulled the struggling and exhausted man to the top of the dam and to safety. Mr. Smith’s quick thinking and action resulted in a safe rescue with no injuries. Mr. Smith’s sense of duty, initiative, and action reflect highly on himself, the Huntington District, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Signed, R. Mark Toy, Brigadier General, Commanding.”
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