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Coshocton and Ridgewood football teams in top ten of Division V

| October 11, 2016

COLUMBUS – The Ohio High School Athletic Association released its weekly football computer ratings on Tuesday, Oct. 11. The weekly computer ratings are released every Tuesday afternoon beginning after the fourth week of the season, leading up to the final report on Sunday morning, Oct. 30.

The complete report showing all teams in every region is posted at: http://www.ohsaa.org/Portals/0/Sports/Football/2016/2016Week7Rankings.pdf

Coshocton and Ridgewood football teams have are in the top ten of Division V. They are listed below with their record and average points. The football page at OHSAA.org includes an explanation of how the ratings are calculated.

Of the 716 OHSAA member schools playing varsity football this fall, the largest 72 schools are in Division I, while the remaining schools are divided equally in Divisions II through VII, with approximately 108 schools in each division. The top eight teams in each region will qualify for the playoffs.

Division V: Region 19:

  1. Wheelersburg (7-0) 17.2143
  2. Sugarcreek Garaway (7-0) 15.1857
  3. Coshocton (6-0) 13.7222
  4. Nelsonville-York (5-2) 10.6571
  5. Belmont Union Local (6-1) 10.3
  6. Baltimore Liberty Union (5-2) 10.1714
  7. Cadiz Harrison Central (4-3) 9.6786
  8. Chillicothe Zane Trace (5-2) 9.1929
  9. Piketon (6-1) 8.6643
  10. West Lafayette Ridgewood (6-1) 8.65
  11. Minford (5-2) 8.3214
  12. Ironton (4-3) 8.3

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Category: High School, Sports

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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