Coshocton BPW meets

| February 19, 2013

COSHOCTON – Coshocton Business and Professional Women (BPW) met on Feb. 18 at Grace UMC. Bob Brems, a certified Dave Ramsey Financial Counselor, explained how using a budget can help you to become debt free and save for retirement.

Brems received a bachelor’s degree from Wittenberg University in Springfield, in 1988 and a Master of Public Health in Epidemiology from the University of Michigan, School of Public Health in 1990. Brems currently is a Quality Assurance Engineer for Organic Technologies. In addition, he is a part-time Health Commissioner for the Coshocton County Health Department, a position he has held for eight years. For the past seven years Brems has been leading Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University classes at the Presbyterian Church in Coshocton. Brems and his wife, Mindy reside in Coshocton with their three children.

Jenna Guthrie, paralegal for Frase, Weir, Baker and McCullough attended as a guest of Yolanda Sharier.

Members were asked to wear red to bring attention to the American Heart Association’s campaign Go Red for Women. Tomma Bordenkircher passed out information on heart disease. She also gave everyone a red dress pin and a card to record their weight, blood pressure and cholesterol numbers. More women die from heart disease than from the next three causes of death combined including all forms of cancer. She announced it has been 20 years since she had open heart surgery. She reported on First Step’s annual dinner on Feb, 11. She encouraged members to contact their legislators regarding the bills on violence against women, Senate Bill 47 and House Bill 11. She announced the next Meet the Candidates night would be held Oct. 10 at the Coshocton County Career Center (CCCC). She reminded members to loan her photos for the 80th anniversary CD.

Mary Mason stated the Individual Development (ID) training was cancelled but will be rescheduled in March.

Liz Herrell thanked all the members who donated or helped serve refreshments at the Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration at St. Andrews. She reminded members Equal Pay Day will be observed on April 9 with an Unhappy Hour at Uncorked in Roscoe Village. BPW Ohio will reduce state dues by $10 during the month of April. Members are encouraged to invite guests to meetings and activities.

The next state meeting will be on April 13 in Boardman.

The 50/50 drawing was won by guest Jenna Guthrie who donated it to First Step.

The next meeting will be at 6 p.m. March 18, at Edie Ryan’s. The program will be about Buckeye Girls State and open to the public.

BPW’s mission is to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information. Membership is open to men and women, employed and unemployed. For information, contact Liz Herrell at 740-294-0199 or at

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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