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Coshocton BPW names woman of the year and business of the year

| October 27, 2021

At their monthly meeting in October 2021, Coshocton Local BPW members recognized and honored recipients of two awards given annually, Coshocton BPW Woman of the Year and BPW Business of the Year.

The 2021 BPW Business of the Year Award was awarded to Schumaker Farms, who also provided the catered dinner for the evening’s celebration. Wendy Schumaker graciously accepted remarks from Mary Mason which highlighted the history and significance of Schumaker Farms in the Coshocton community.

Aimee Neighbor, was named the 2021 Coshocton BPW Woman of the Year. Neighbor, who has been an active member of the Coshocton Local Chapter since 2016, accepted her award after remarks from Mason. In accepting the award, Neighbor spoke of her gratitude for the Coshocton Local Chapter of BPW.

Also at the October meeting, three new members were inducted into the Coshocton Local Chapter of BPW: Katie Hultz, Jennifer Hostetler, and Missy Grimmett.

Guest speaker, Tiffany Swigert, executive director of the Coshocton Port Authority, spoke to BPW members and guests about current initiatives of the port authority and shared exciting news of services soon available to residents of Coshocton.

BPW, founded in 1919, promotes equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education, and information. Membership is open to men and women, employed or unemployed, who support the Legislative Platform.

For more information about BPW, including information about membership, contact coshlbpw@gmail.com.

Category: Clubs & Organizations

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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