Coshocton C.A.R.E.S. supports county school districts

Donation: Coshocton County School Superintendents received Schooler Family Foundation Grant money from Coshocton C.A.R.E.S. Chairperson Mindy Fehrman. Pictured from left are: Ridgewood Interim Superintendent William Zanders, River View Superintendent Dalton Summers, Fehrman, Coshocton County Career Center Superintendent Deborah Kapp-Salupo and Coshocton Superintendent David Hire. Photo contributed to The Beacon
COSHOCTON – The Coshocton C.A.R.E.S. (Community Action Resources to Educate Students) College Access Program recently presented checks to each Coshocton County School District Superintendent from a $5,000 grant received from the Schooler Family Foundation.
The Schooler Family Foundation was created in 1985 and first funded by Seward and Edith Schooler, both lifelong citizens of East Central and Appalachian Ohio. Since inception, the Schooler Family Foundation has provided funds for charitable programs, projects, activities and organizations throughout the United States. While emphasis has been given to organizations in Ohio, specifically Central and East Central Ohio, including Coshocton County, the Foundation has made grants in other states in which trustees and family members have had knowledge, involvement and interest.
Historically, the Foundation has been committed to charitable and philanthropic giving in the areas of job retention and creation, economic development, environment, energy, education, human service, aging, religion, healthcare, recreation, science and medicine, historic preservation, leadership, civic engagement and citizenship, culture and arts, community development and the advancement of not-for-profit, voluntary organizations and philanthropy. Funding has been provided for a wide range of philanthropic purposes, including annual operating budgets, specific programs and projects, equipment, capital facilities and buildings and endowment
The grant money received by the districts will be used to continue the ACT / EXPLORE and PLAN testing of students in each district and the use of the National Student Clearinghouse Student Tracker Program. The ACT’s College and Career Readiness System provide a longitudinal approach to educational and career planning through assessment, curriculum support, and student evaluation. Aligned with ACT’s College Readiness Standards™ and Benchmarks, the College and Career Readiness System encourages student academic and behavioral planning through early identification of educational and career goals in diverse educational institutions nationwide. The testing program in each is now in its fourth year and has received funding support from Coshocton C.A.R.E.S. each year. Over 4,000 students and/or parents received C.A.R.E.S. advisory or programming assistance during 2012-13.
The National Student Clearinghouse Student Tracker Program is currently in its second year in the schools and allows districts to track the college enrollment rates of its students following graduation and their progress toward their degrees. Over 4,000 students and/or parents received C.A.R.E.S. advisory or programming assistance during 2012-13 and over 16,000 since 2009.
Contributions from the Coshocton C.A.R.E.S. College Access Program to Coshocton County School Districts during the 2012-13 school year totaled $91,600. Financial assistance to the College Access Program, which made this possible, was received during 2012-13 from an Ohio Board of Regents College Access Challenge Grant, financial assistance from local school districts, and business partnerships with Clows Corporation, Coshocton County Memorial Hospital, Jones Metal Products Company and CentralOhioTechnicalCollege. Contributions from the Coshocton Elks Lodge, Coshocton Women’s Club, Dean’s Jewelry and the Trirosis Club also contributed greatly to these efforts.
Each school district received the assistance of a part-time Coshocton C.A.R.E.S. Advisor to assist school counselors, students and parents. College Access Programming provided included a Coshocton County College Fair Night, College Financial Aid Workshops, a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Assistance Night and visits to area college campuses. All advisory work and programming is provided free to all students, parents and other adults in Coshocton County.
Funding to the districts also included reimbursements for ACT EXPLORE and PLAN testing, the use of the National Student Clearinghouse Student Tracker Program, ACT test preparation, college campus visits, dual-enrollment classes at the Coshocton County Career Center, where 94 students earned a total of 390 remedial college credit hours from COTC and reimbursements for End-of-Course Exams in Algebra II and English II.
Coshocton C.A.R.E.S. proudly became a United Way Partner this past year and continues its work of providing free assistance to all students, parents and adults in Coshocton County. Grant money received from the Montgomery Foundation, Schooler Family Foundation, Coshocton City Schools Foundation and Coshocton Kiwanis Club is currently supporting the efforts of Coshocton C.A.R.E.S. in the districts this school year.
Any organization wishing to provide future financial assistance to the Coshocton C.A.R.E.S. College Access Program’s endeavors should contact the director, Brian Crilow, at 740-502-6345 or by e-mail to
Category: Education