Coshocton Christian has bazaar

The Coshocton Christian Tabernacle Youth Group manned the concession stand at the church’s bazaar and auction. Pictured from left to right: Cheyenne Pike, Alexia Grove, Lena Schlomach (from Germany), Shelby Albertson, Taylor Darr, and David Dahl.
COSHOCTON – The Coshocton Christian Tabernacle had their annual bazaar and auction Saturday, Nov. 17, funded by the church’s TLC committee.
“This is just a really cool committee,” said Shelia Bookless, “We’re really excited about the things we can do.”
More than 15 vendors set up their wares at the bazaar and Auctioneer Bill Ogle auctioned off over 100 items donated by area businesses and members of the community. Monies raised from the auction will go to help fund ministries in the church and to Hurricane Sandy relief. Some proceeds also go to the Mother/Daughter banquet.
“We just wanted to give people an opportunity to come in and see our church and see the different things we help out with,” said Bookless.
The Coshocton Christian Tabernacle is hoping to have a 5K next spring and they are also working on building an orphanage in Ecuador.
“It’s fun to be able to help out with different ministries in the church,” said Bookless.
The Youth Group also raised money for their mission trips by manning the concession stand.
To learn more about the Coshocton Christian Tabernacle, visit their website at
Category: Faith