Coshocton Commissioners meeting notes
The Coshocton County Commissioners had their bi-weekly meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 14. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. At 10:30 a.m., Bernie Minet, Coshocton County EMS Director, was scheduled to speak.
According to Minet, for the past couple of years, Coshocton County EMS has been struggling with space issues at their current Coshocton location on Chestnut Street. Minet is looking for another location to begin building a second Coshocton EMS location. In the meantime, he is asking permission from the commissioners to rent a building available on County Road 621. From this location, Minet said his crew can cover the Keene, White Eyes, and those surrounding areas more efficiently and quickly.
Currently, all the Coshocton EMS staff is housed at the facility on Chestnut Street, but Minet said the space is too small. He wants to see how housing one crew in the location on CR 621 would work out before building a second permanent location. The cost of rent is $800 a month and requires a 2-3 year lease. The Coshocton EMS was renting a facility in West Lafayette to store their ambulances during the winter, but Minet wants a location closer to Coshocton.
Minet is hoping to build a second permanent location on a county-owned property on Airport Rd. Once that location is secured, a second permanent station could be building in one to two years and the crew could move out of the CR 621 location and move permanently into the Airport Rd station.
Dane Shryock’s main question with renting the building on CR 621 is, would the Coshocton EMS crew be able to keep up with and meet the building codes. He pointed out that there are a lot of codes that would need to be met including proper ventilation, handicapped accessibility, and restrooms. Minet needs to make more contacts with building inspectors in the community before proceeding.
Before he left, Minet also raised another concern. He wants to meet with the Coshocton County Fair Board to discuss safety issues regarding EMS staff during the motocross races. He said that if a motocross driver is injured, the race does not stop and EMS personnel must dodge oncoming bikes to tend to the injured driver. Minet wants to see if the race can temporarily stop until the injured driver and EMS staff is off the field. Coshocton EMS does this and many other events in the community without compensation.
Michael Zaluski met with the commissioners and discussed county insurance claims. Other items on the meeting agenda included:
– Report of meeting attended
– A request to approve the minutes of the previous meetings as presented were approved
– Received the Official Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources dated Nov. 2, 2012 from the Coshocton County Budget Commission
– A request to approve the following Then and Now Certificates which have been certified by the County Auditor were approved. See link: Then and Now Certificates
– A request to approve the following Transfers/Additionals/Reductions which have been certified by the County Auditor were approved. See link: Transfers_Additionals_Reductions
– A request to approve the bills per computer printout dated Nov. 14, 2012 was approved.
– A request to sign a contract proposal between Coshocton County Common Pleas Court and Quality Painting for the courtroom painting project in an amount not to exceed $9,500 as requested by Judge Robert Batchelor was approved with the understanding that funds for the project will be coming out of the special court funds.
– A request to sign Resolution 2012-58 to advance $6,317.50 from the General Fund to the BVP Grant Fund #248-0100-4900.09 was approved.
– A request to sign the CFLP Solid Waste District Residential/Institutional Recycling 2013 Contract for Services in the amount of $97,374.08 was approved.
– A request to sign the CFLP Solid Waste District Recycling and Litter Prevention Program 2013 Contract for Services in the amount of $124,864.29 was approved.
– A request to sign the Non-Grandfathered Employee Health & Welfare Plan was approved.
– A request to approve Tammy Elson the use of the Court Square on Dec. 14, 2012 from 3 – 4 p.m. for a wedding was approved
– A request to sign Resolution 2012-59 to appoint members to the Coshocton LEPC membership under 3750 ORC was approved.
– Received the Dog Warden’s report for the week ending Nov. 13 with 10 dogs picked up by the warden, seven dogs brought in as strays, 21 dogs destroyed, seven citations issued, 27 calls handled, five dog licenses sold, two dogs redeemed, one dog per owner surrendered, $0 in boarding fees collected for a total of $175 in fees collected.
– A request to approve Resolution 2012-60 to create special revenue funds for OCJS Grant #243 was approved.
– A request to sign a non-disclosure agreement to Mutual Health Services was approved.
Category: Government