Coshocton Community Choir recalls its fifth decade

Past Coshocton Youth Chorale members are pictured practicing with Charles R. Snyder. (Submitted)
The Coshocton Community Choir, founded by and conducted by Charles R. Snyder is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this season. A celebration concert will be held on Sunday, April 24. Here’s a look back at the fifth decade of the choir.
The 2012 Christmas concert theme was “Light Has Come!” “It would be the final collaboration between Dr. Allan Zagray and me, as Allan died the following April,” Snyder said. “His gifts in leadership and crafting the concert narration were deeply appreciated.”
February 2013, The All-Ohio Youth Choir made its final visit to Coshocton for the combined Winter Pops Concert, “Keep the Dream Alive.” One hundred and fifty-four singers from around the state were joined by the community choir in McKinley Auditorium. “Bravi to the community choir members for organizing the housing and meals for the All-Ohio Youth Choir and staff for 20 years,” Snyder said.
“On June 12, 2013, the community choir went on a ‘field trip’ by coach to Columbus, where we heard the Tabernacle Choir,” Snyder said. “The glorious music will be remembered – as will the severe storms and tornado warnings on the return trip.”
Chad J. Putka, a youth choir staff member, arrived in the fall of 2013 for an internship with Snyder, and the blessings of that partnership touched the three community choirs, as well as the music ministry at The Coshocton Presbyterian Church.
The 2013 Christmas concert, “The Christmas Rose,” was the last year the choir sang both an afternoon and an evening concert, but the choir continued to sing a reprise the following weekend in Newcomerstown. The Rev. Richard K. Hoover, who penned the concert narration in 2009, agreed to take over that responsibility.
For the first time, Snyder missed concerts. “A fall on ice on Nov. 22, 2014, resulted in a severely fractured ankle, and I was told to ‘stay down’ for 10 weeks before starting physical therapy,” said Snyder. “Assistant director Jennifer A. Sper and intern Chad Putka filled in for both Coshocton and Newcomerstown Christmas concerts.”
Day by Day, the 2015 spring concerts were held at New Philadelphia United Methodist Church and reprised at Coshocton. In his last Coshocton Community Choir concert, Chad Putka sang the solo on a rousing arrangement of “Bless This House.”
The choir’s 45th anniversary celebration was held in the Coshocton Presbyterian Church’s fellowship hall. Choir Board President Beth Nelson headed the 2016 celebration, which included a photo booth and a choral flash mob.
The 2016 Christmas Concert featured a live tableau, and Choir alumna Heather Stewart recruited, costumed, and directed the players. The Coshocton High School auditorium was packed, and the youth chorale singers were moved to chairs in front of the stage to make more room for audience members.
On Christmas Eve 2018, the choir’s Christmas CD was broadcast over WTNS Radio. and resonated with choir members and listeners alike. That winter, the choir experienced the unexpected losses of alumnus Jim Humphrey and member Travis Alberts.
“In the spring of 2019, the choir celebrated Dickie Barrick’s 35th anniversary as our accompanist,” Snyder said, “A reception was held in her honor after rehearsal.”
“In November of its 49th season, Lee Bown announced her retirement after 35 years of dedicated service as our business manager,” Snyder said. “She left an indelible mark on the choir and its many patrons.”
In early March 2020, the choir was in the middle of rehearsing when the pandemic hit. “There was no spring concert for the first time since we began in 1977,” Snyder said, “We wondered how long this might last.”
The choir had a new mission: to stay connected with each other while being separated. Snyder sent song clips and ‘thoughts for the day’ to encourage and inspire choir members during the hiatus.
Though schools were closed, the Bachert scholarship applications were emailed, and two scholarships were awarded in honor of Lee Bown and supporter Nancy Porteus.
Since then, the Choir has moved to a new office space and moved the choir’s extensive music library and rehearsals to Grace United Methodist Church.
The choir prepared two virtual concerts – one on April 25, 2021, and another on Dec. 5, 2021. And finally, on Feb. 20, 2022, the choir sang four pieces with the Cardinal Chorale at Grace United Methodist Church, while physically distanced and masked. “A large audience came to enjoy hearing live music,” Snyder said.
When the choir’s 50th anniversary concert is presented on Sunday, April 24, 2022, it will be the first they have sung a full concert in McKinley Auditorium since Dec. 8, 2019.
The 50th Anniversary Celebration Concert Glory and Honor, will be held on Sunday, April 24, at 3 p.m. at Coshocton High School’s McKinley Auditorium. Tickets for the concert are $10 for adults and $5 for students and are available to purchase online at or at the door on concert day. For information, call the choir office at 740-623-0554.
Category: Arts & Entertainment