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Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Agency receives ODOT grant

| November 1, 2019

COSHOCTON – Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Agency (CCCTA) is pleased to announce it has received a $473,811 grant from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT). ODOT awards annual grants through a competitive application and review process. These funds will support CCCTA operations and improve mobility throughout Coshocton County and all of Ohio.

This funding will allow CCCTA to be reimbursed 50 percent of approved operating budget expenses, including salaries, fringe, travel, meetings, advertising, and other miscellaneous operational expenses. Funding will also reimburse the agency 80 percent of approved capitalized maintenance expenses. Through the grant award, CCCTA will also receive one expansion vehicle, a MMV – Modified Mini Van, funded at 80 percent.

The expansion vehicle as well as the operational funding received will be used to help start and run a Deviated Fixed Route Shuttle Service within Coshocton City. Residents will be able to ride to and from city locations, including Wal-Mart, for a nominal fee. The agency is hoping to start this service yet this year. There will be more details to come about the new route.

A portion of the local match for this federal grant would not have been possible without the grant funding provided locally. CCCTA received $31, 148 from the Coshocton Foundation to help purchase new route software, as well as providing the match money for the new MMV vehicle. The agency also received $5,000 in grant dollars from United Way to help fund the route. In addition to the route, matching funds are required for all other areas of the grant as well. If interest in donating, contact the CCCTA office.

“We are so excited for this new opportunity. As this is the first time the agency has applied for this type of funding, we were not sure what to expect. These grant dollars will have an enormous impact on our agency as well as our community as a whole. CCCTA will be able to serve many more county residents than ever before and will provide many more transportation options for individuals,” said Valerie Shaw, director of the Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Agency.

Category: People & Places

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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