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Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation to close office for training

| October 18, 2017

COSHOCTON – Nic Carey, consolidated mobility manager of Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Agency, met with the Coshocton County Commissioners on Wednesday, Oct. 18, to discuss the possibility of closing the CCCTA office for two days to train new employees. These two days will not affect transportation, but calls regarding requests will not be taken during those two days of training. Carey said the office has become so busy with between 10 to 15 calls taken before 10 a.m. that morning. With a recent 50 percent turn-around in the agency, Carey said it’s hard to find the time to train new employees.

The office will be closed Monday, Oct. 30 and Thursday, Nov. 2 for training purposes. Carey stressed that transportation will still be offered on those days, but the office itself will be closed. Carey also brought up the idea of hiring a temporary employee just for two or three months to help handle the influx of calls and paperwork. He said this time of year is typically the agency’s busiest time and that after the holiday season, it tends to slow down.

The commissioners approved the two-day closure and the idea of hiring a temporary employee.

Tammi Rogers, litter prevention and recycling director, met with the commissioners as well to discuss a one-year extension of the Kimble contract. The commissioners extended the contract for one year, ending on Dec. 31, 2018.

The commissioners also approved and reviewed:

  • Received the dog warden’s report for the week ending Oct. 16 with seven dogs picked up by the warden, six dogs brought in as strays, four dogs destroyed, 14 dog licenses sold, one late fee paid, 12 dogs sold, two dogs redeemed, two dogs per owner surrender, three dog warden surrenders, $5 in boarding fees collected, 17 citations issued, 27 calls handled for a total of $448 in fees collected.
  • A motion to hire Kimberly Starling as a social service worker 2 – ongoing children services, at the Department of Job and Family Services effective Nov. 6 as requested by Daniel Brenneman, DJFS director
  • A motion to accept the petition of the Crawford Township Trustees for the vacation of all of First Alley, Second Alley, Third Alley, and Eighth Alley in the unincorporated village of New Bedford, Crawford Township as recorded in deed record 4, page 252. All of First Alley, located between lots 24 and 25; all of Second Alley, located between lots 22 and 23; all of Third Alley, located between lots 20 and 21; and all of Eighth Alley from CR 12 (Water Street) to the eastern line of said recorded plat of New Bedford.
  • A motion to sign the plat for Hostetler Farm Subdivision, a 12 lot subdivision located at the intersection of TR 251 and SR 751 in Adams Township, Coshocton County, Ohio. This subdivision was reviewed and approved during the Coshocton County Regional Planning Commission Meeting dated Oct. 16.
  • A motion to accept the resignation of Chelsea Lawler as part-time paramedic with the Coshocton County Emergency Medical Services effective immediately.
  • A motion to hire Lindsay Metheny-Kempton as part-time paramedic with the Coshocton County Emergency Medical Services contingent upon her successful completion of the pre-employment testing as requested by Todd Shroyer, EMS Director

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Category: Government

About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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