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Coshocton County Extension conducting Agricultural and Natural Resources Needs Assessment

| September 28, 2018

COSHOCTON – The Coshocton County Extension office is conducting an Agricultural and Natural Resources Needs Assessment for Coshocton County. Farmers, landowners, and others involved in the agricultural industry are being asked to complete this two-page survey. The survey can be completed either on paper or online. Paper copies can be obtained by stopping into the extension office at 724 South Seventh Street in Coshocton. The office is also happy to mail a copy of the survey if you call 740-622-2265. The online version of the survey can be accessed at go.osu.edu/coshoctonag. Survey respondents will also have the opportunity to register to win a donated $100 VISA gift card. More information about the survey can be obtained by calling David Marrison at the Coshocton County Extension office at 740-622-2265 or by email at Marrison.2@osu.edu.

Category: Government

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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