Coshocton County Fairgrounds holds weekend of motor fun

The fairboard tested out a new autocross event on July 19 at the fairgrounds. Becca Maddux | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Despite the extreme heat, large crowds arrived at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds on Friday, July 19 for the autocross event and on Saturday, July 20 for the rough truck event.
Rod Lindsey, fairboard president, said that autocross is a new event that was suggested to the board. “This is a new event in Ohio – it’s only the second time it’s be done in the state. We are going to have it at the fair this fall and wanted to promote the event.” This is the first time the fairboard has scheduled two events like this back to back.
“After the rough truck show, we will get together and review the weekend. We thought it would be easier for the vendors to have the events on the same weekend,” said Lindsey. He also said they plan to continue to try new events to see what people in the area like. Anyone with a suggestion for an event is encouraged to call the fair board office.

The annual rough truck was held July 20 at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds. Becca Maddux | Beacon
Tom Roahrig, fairboard member, agreed with Lindsey. “We wanted to have the autocross to show people what is coming for the fair. We have gotten a lot of positive reviews from the people who attended the event.”
“Autocross is basically like the rough truck event except more than one vehicle is on the track at the same time,” said Rick Williamson, fairboard member. “It’s exciting to watch. All sorts of vehicles are used – cars, trucks, vans.” He also said that the feedback he had heard from people was that they enjoyed the event.
Four year old Noah Smith was visiting Coshocton with his family and said he is going to “Drive me a big truck when I get bigger.” His mom, Sarah, said he is always talking about big trucks and playing with them. “We thought he would really like to see the trucks up close and moving.”
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