Coshocton County Master Gardener volunteers recognized

| December 12, 2014

COSHOCTON – OSU Extension- Coshocton County Master Gardener volunteers were recognized for their accomplishments in 2014 on Dec. 3 at Raven’s Glenn Winery.

Together, 17 Coshocton County Master Gardeners have volunteered 978 hours, from Jan. 1, 2014 – Dec. 1, 2014, toward beautifying and educating Coshocton County. They have also dedicated over 354 hours continuing to educate themselves in horticulture practices.

Master Gardener volunteers giving between 50-99 hours since being certified – Leslie Ridenbaugh.

Master Gardener Volunteers giving between 100-199 hours since being certified – Tony Hatem and Dianne McCoy.

Master Gardener Volunteers giving between 200-299 hours since being certified – Coleman Anderson and Jennie Wiseman.

Master Gardener Volunteers giving between 300-399 hours since being certified – Pam Anderson, Marsha Duling, and Teri Williams.

Master Gardener Volunteers giving between 500-599 hours since being certified – Teresa Donley.

Master Gardener Volunteers giving between 600-699 hours since being certified – Marilyn Gress, Reta Grewell and Tracey Wiseman.

Master Gardener Volunteers giving between 700-799 hours since being certified – Betty Williams.

Master Gardener Volunteers giving between 800-899 hours since being certified – Gail Piper.

Master Gardener Volunteers giving between 900-999 hours since being certified – Tim France and Margaret Lowe

Susan McCurdy has volunteered 1,176 hours since becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer in 2004.

Tim France received an award for donating the Most Volunteer Hours in 2014 with 211.50 hours. The award for Most Education Hours for 2014 went to Susan McCurdy. Susan has attended 44 hours of continuing educational training in 2014.

To learn more about the Coshocton County Master Gardener Volunteers, log on to or contact Tammi Rogers at the OSU Extension office at 622-2265.


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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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