Coshocton fairgrounds add handicapped parking

The Coshocton Fairgrounds added 70 handicapped parking spaces on Thursday, Aug. 6. The parking spaces face Seventh Street and go down to the Alder Street gate.
COSHOCTON – The Coshocton County Fairgrounds added 70 handicapped parking spaces on the grounds along Seventh Street down to the Alder Street gate.
The project is being funded by the Center for Disease Control, the Coshocton County Commissioners, and the Fairboard. The Fairboard also received a grant from the Community Development Consultants which is a grant to help fund handicapped-accessible facilities such as parking and restrooms.
William Albert Excavating did preliminary work on the parking spaces and Melway Paving will be painting the handicap spaces. Once completed, the project will be inspected by members of the ADA (Adult Disability Act).
“I think it will help because we don’t have enough parking for handicapped,” said Pam Bordenkircker, secretary of the Fairboard. “I think it will encourage more people with disabilities to come to the fair.”
In the future, the Fairgrounds will also be adding a changing station in the restrooms.
Category: People & Places