Coshocton fifth graders make blankets for the homeless

Fifth graders at Coshocton Elementary School raised funds to make blankets for the homeless. On Dec. 19 they worked together with their classmates to create 25 blankets. Contributed | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Jaylyn Green and Jayleighn Cunningham were happy to work on a project that would spread holiday cheer and help keep people warm this winter.
For the second year in a row fifth graders at Coshocton Elementary School made tie blankets that will be distributed to homeless people in the community.
“This was a good opportunity for us to do something for the homeless,” Green said. “It gives me a really good feeling to do this. I like seeing people smile and making them happy. With winter coming it will be cold and nice for people to have these.”
Cunningham agreed with her.
“Some people don’t get any presents so this gives them something to open for Christmas,” she said. “They are pretty easy to make too.”
Green and Cunningham are in Barbara Breen’s fifth grade homeroom class. Breen organized the project and all the fifth graders pitched in.
“Money to do this came from donations, penny wars and the kids selling snacks,” Breen said. “All the kids helped.”
On Dec. 19 the fifth graders all had the opportunity to put the 25 blankets together and put them in gift bags with holiday cards.
“We put them in pretty gift bags with tissue paper,” Breen said. “It’s a really meaningful project because it’s a gift to someone.”
She was very proud of the work the students put into the project.
“From the fundraising and donations to creating the beautiful blankets in gift bags, their excitement and enthusiasm has never waned,” Breen said.
Last year the project even led to the students helping with another one in the spring. They collected plastic grocery bags that were used to crochet mats for the homeless. Breen is hoping they can do that again this school year.
“Even though they are only 10 and 11 years old they are still capable of doing a lot to help the community,” Breen said.
Last year the blankets were given to a shelter that serves three counties. However, this year they are hoping to keep them a little closer to home. They plan to work with Kathy Robbins, who has started initiatives to help the homeless in Coshocton County.
“This is a wonderful learning experience, and the students are so proud of what they have accomplished to help others in their community,” Breen said. “As one boy stated, ‘I hope that this blanket makes someone really happy.’”
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