Coshocton Foundation awards grants

| January 19, 2023

The distribution committee of the Coshocton Foundation had their first meeting of fiscal year 2023 recently and reviewed 24 grant applications totaling $1,267,624. The committee awarded six grants totaling $15,525 to various community organizations. Several applications were referred back to the requestors for more information. The grants awarded include:

  • $5,135 to the Coshocton County Board of Elections to provide support with creating ADA accessible sidewalk curb ramps for a new city polling location.
  • $5,000 to Junior Achievement of North Central Ohio to provide Junior Achievement Programming in Coshocton County Schools.
  • $2,000 to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio to provide nights of rest to families from Coshocton County staying at the Ronald McDonald House.
  • $2,000 to Coshocton City Schools to provide support for updating of chairs and chair backs in the Coshocton High School’s McKinley Auditorium.
  • $1,000 to the Humane Animal Treatment Association to provide support for the transfer and rescue program that helps save hundreds of dogs and cats each year.
  • $400 to Central Christian Church to assist in the purchase of Grief Share, a curriculum for dealing with grief by providing insight to the mechanism of grief while assisting individuals to accept loss and find their way back to healthy social relationships.

The Coshocton Foundation was established in 1966 through the last will and testament of local merchant Adolph Golden and has distributed over $9 million in grants to community organizations from its unrestricted fund. In addition, the foundation has 175 restricted funds from which distributions are made for specific purposes. More information about the Coshocton Foundation can be found at

Category: Clubs & Organizations

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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