Coshocton Furniture to help animal shelter

Christmas for pets: Coshocton Furniture on Main Street has its Christmas tree up and is ready to take donations to help make Christmas merry for dogs and cats at the local animal shelter. Beacon photo by Josie Sellers
COSHOCTON – Coshocton Furniture on Main Street wants to make sure dogs and cats at the local animal shelter have a merry Christmas.
“We’ve been doing this for five years and it keeps getting bigger and bigger,” said Bill Appis, owner of the store.
Anyone interested in donating dog or cat food or making a monetary contribution is welcome to drop them off at the store.
“Toys, treats, collars and anything like that would also be great,” Appis said.
He already has a Christmas tree up to promote the cause.
“Last year the Coshocton community gave over $500 plus food,” Appis said. “We had a van full of donations to drop off.”
His family has gotten animals from the shelter in the past.
“We love our animals and always give back to the shelter,” Appis said. “The animals need our help.”
The night of the Magic on Main Street Christmas Parade, which will be held at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 21, the shelter also will be at Coshocton Furniture with two dogs and two cats that are up for adoption.
“We will pay for their adoption and having them fixed,” Appis said. “Last year they adopted out a cat and a dog that night.”
Coshocton Furniture is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Donations can be dropped off during those hours and people also are welcome to purchase tickets for a 50/50 drawing for the animal shelter now through Tuesday, Dec. 23.
“One nice thing about Coshocton is that everybody pitches in and helps out,” Appis said.
Category: Business, People & Places