Coshocton High School Marching Redskins

CHS Marching Redskins: Nasia Asire, Lauren Babcock, Kristin Baker, Sarah Banks, Chloe Brown, Tara Brush, Zach Bryant, Alex Burton, Laryssa Cain, Austin Christmas, Josh Deeds, Shaelynn Erman, Sherridan Erman, Austin Fowler, JoAnna Fowler, Makenna Graves, Rebkah Griffin, Katey Hardesty, Scipio Hardesty, Jacob Heading, Sarah Heading, Tyler Huston, Michaela Hyson, Kari Jobe, Bladen Johnson, Mariah Kittell, Kaitlyn Krebs, Christa Lain, Cyrus Larntz, Kyra Larntz, Tommy Larntz, Brandon Logan, Kassidy Logan, Haley Newhouse, Jenna Ranalli, Jason Smith, Jett Soungpradith, Judah Stewart, Jenna Stonebraker, Thomas Stonebraker, Amy Terrell, Samantha Tubbs, and Skyler Wright. (Names are not necessarily in order of appearance.) Photo contributed to The Beacon by Lifetouch School Studios Inc.
Staff: Director Barry Hardesty, Assistant Director Caroline Heading, Color Guard Advisor Teresa Ott, and Percussion Instructor Justin Howell
Number of years appearing at state competition and how placed last year: Coshocton has qualified for State Marching Band Finals 14 times. Last time we qualified for state was 2011.
Number of students in band: 43
Theme for this year’s show and why it was selected: This year’s competition show is “Legends of the Underground Railroad.” These are songs that are well known that have had some historical or legendary connection with the Underground Railroad. The songs are: “Go Down Moses,” “Swing Low Sweet Chariot,” “Follow The Drinking Gourd,” “Wade in the Water,” and “Oh, Freedom.” It’s also interesting to me that four main “roads” of the Underground Railroad converged in Coshocton County. The main person responsible for these operations around Coshocton was a well respected African-American named Prior Foster and there seemed to be many others involved.
Overall strengths: The horn line seems stronger this year….especially the trombones. The show opens with a trombone duet by Mariah Kittell and Skip Hardesty.
Competitions you are most looking forward to: I always look forward to the late season competitions…River View and Meadowbrook (Oct. 19) and New Philadelphia (Oct 26). That’s when we see how much progress we have made as performers.
Overall expectations or goals for the season: Expectations and goals…music first…continued improvement in tone/sound quality, especially from the younger students. Building chops in the drumline…there are two rookies in the line, but they are all new to the position they are filling this year. Visually continue to work on posture and carriage and doing everything with increased uniformity and precision.
Category: Education