Coshocton is Blooming announces 2016 theme

Flower theme: Coshocton is Blooming has selected its color theme for 2016 – Kaleidoscope of Kolor. Photo contributed to The Beacon
COSHOCTON – Coshocton is Blooming has selected its color theme for 2016 – Kaleidoscope of Kolor. The CIB committee is encouraging folks to put together their own kolor schemes using flowers of your favorite kolor or go with something bold and different. Just get creative with planting your containers or gardens. The broad spectrum of kolor will allow more gardens to be nominated for recognition throughout the city. More information on garden nominations will be coming at a later date.
If you need some guidance with kolor and flower combinations, you can use flower selections for the city’s hanging baskets and pots. Red, pink, white, black, and green with a little orange and yellow will be showing up in the hanging baskets. Look for lots of petunias. The pots along the sidewalks of the downtown area will feature more perennials. Kniphofias (Red Hot Pokers) and Echinaceas (Coneflowers) are great choices as perennials for pinks, oranges and yellow. There are also many annuals with those kolors that will give a great showing in pots. Visit the Coshocton is Blooming facebook page for more suggestions for plant and kolor selection.
It is a bit early to visit your favorite garden centers, but now is a great time to sort out your baskets and pots and start planning your sun and shade gardens for the summer. Help support the Coshocton is Blooming’s mission of Planting Pride in our Community. Plant some kolor, work with your neighbors to clean-up your street, be a weed warrior and help keep Main Street weed free, volunteer at one of Coshocton’s parks, or help CIB by donating toward the Coshocton is Blooming fund. Coshocton is Blooming is a 510C3 non-profit organization. Contributions can be sent to P.O. Box 1221, Coshocton OH 43812.
Category: Clubs & Organizations