Coshocton Moose Lodge updating during stay at home closure

While no business wants to be forced to be closed, the Coshocton Moose Lodge decided to take advantage of the stay at home order and update the club. (Submitted)
While no business wants to be forced to be closed, the Coshocton Moose Lodge decided to take advantage of the stay at home order and update the club. Members will be happily surprised when they are able to return to business, which was scheduled for May 21 with very limited hours.
Missy Adkins, manager of the private club, said that everything has been updated in the club. “The carpet has been replaced. The entire inside of the lodge has been painted. The ceiling tiles have been painted and updated. Everything has been steamed and cleaned and we’ve rearranged a lot of it.”
Adkins said they have also revamped the patio area and are planning to paint the outside of the building, too. “We still have a lot more that we want to get done, but with being closed, we have to get the funds to do it.” She said they have tried to obtain grants and loans, but have been unable to do that because the Moose Lodge is a private club.
The work is all being completed by employees and members of the club. “Employees and officers have been in there day in and day out to make the Moose what it is today. We never had more than 10 people in the club at one time. Every day, different members or employees donated their time and we cannot thank them enough. I can’t name everyone without missing someone.”
The Moose Lodge closed its doors on March 15. Although other places offered takeout food service, the Moose gave their leftover food to their employees to help them until they could receive unemployment. “Many of our employees have yet to receive their unemployment. Without having income, we felt it best to give our food to them.”
Adkins also said that the inside of the lodge is constantly being cleaned and sanitized to prevent the spread of the COVID–19 virus. She said they decided to open with limited hours compared to what they are used to. “We felt it was best to start out slow and add hours as we see it.”
Category: Business