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Coshocton Planetarium continues to update the public

| March 20, 2016

COSHOCTON – The Committee to Save the Coshocton Planetarium is led by Ron Derewecki, who submitted this column to The Beacon addressing questions and concerns about the project.

Are you planning on having fund raising events?

We have talked about a few idea concerning having fundraisers but have not planned anything at this time.

What happens if you don’t raise enough money?

There are not many options. Most likely we will extend our campaign to raise money until we reach our goal. We have the planetarium in storage and we have the space to restore the planetarium. The original plan was to have the money collected by the summer of 2016. While school is out, the construction work could take place in the summer. Sometime in the fall, we could start having planetarium programs for classes. We have already hired an architect to do the renovation work. Our plan is to have the detailed drawings done so we can get state approval. Once that is done, all we need is the money to do the construction.

How can a person donate to the project?

We have set up several ways for donations to be made. Online donations can be made using a credit card on Facebook/Save The Coshocton Planetarium. Donations can be made at Home Loan & Savings Bank at 413 Main St. in Coshocton. Make checks out to: Save The Coshocton Planetarium. Make checks out to: Coshocton Business Development Foundation. In the memo write, planetarium. This is a 501(c)3 account and all donations are tax deductible. Mail to: Save the Coshocton Planetarium, Box 1517, Coshocton, Ohio 43812. Checks of $250 or more can be sent directly to the school system. Make checks out to: Coshocton City Schools; in memo write, planetarium fund. Mail to: Coshocton City Schools, attention treasurer, 1207 Cambridge Road, Coshocton, Ohio 43812.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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