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Coshocton Planetarium to celebrate the Christmas season

| November 19, 2019

COSHOCTON – The Coshocton Planetarium will show the program, “Season of Light” during the Christmas season. This presentation traces the history and development of many of the world’s most enduring holiday customs, all of which involve lighting up the winter sky – from the burning of the Yule log, sparkling Christmas tree lights and candles in the windows, to the lighting of luminaries in the American Southwest and the traditional ritual of the Hanukkah Menorah.

The show also recounts the historical religious and cultural rituals practiced during the time of the winter solstice – not only Christian and Jewish, but also Celtic, Nordic, Roman, Irish, Mexican, and Hopi. It also takes a look at some of our more light-hearted seasonal traditions: From gift-giving, and kissing under the mistletoe, and decking the halls with greenery and candles. St. Nicholas, Sinterklaas, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, and Santa Claus all drop by as well.

There is also some astronomy in the Season of Light. The audience will learn a selection of the Northern hemisphere constellations, and find out why we have seasons, as we demonstrate the sun’s path across the sky, and the Earth’s tilt and orbit around the sun. The program also explores the possible astronomical explanation for the “Star of Bethlehem” in the last quarter of the show: Comets, meteors, novae, and supernovae, and planetary conjunctions.

The shows will be held at the Coshocton Planetarium located at Coshocton High School. Most of the shows are on weekdays on the following date: Dec. 3, 5, 9, 11, 17, 19. These shows will be at 6 p.m. This year there will be two shows on Sunday, Dec. 15 at 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. The shows are free but reservations must be made. You can make reservations by going online to coshoctonplanetarium.com or call Coshocton High School at 740-622-9433 and talk to Jonnalee. If you must cancel your reservation, please call the high school and let them know. There are people on a waiting list.

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Category: Arts & Entertainment

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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